Thursday, August 5, 2010

First Official Entry: The Evening before Departure

Well, I'm leaving tomorrow! At 10:00 am. It isn't a direct flight in case you're wondering. I'm taking a group flight to Zurich, so I have to go to Dulles Airport in VA first. That flight doesn't leave until 6 pm. Ignoring the several hour wait in the airport, it should be an interesting flight. The advantage to taking the group flight is that I will meet almost all of the kids from the USA who are going to Switzerland through Rotary Youth Exchange. That will be fun.

I'm really excited right now. I've already packed, so it's just a matter of a few hours till I leave for a year, a whole year. It's going to be so weird. But great. It's a little nerve-wracking too; I'm finally meeting my (first) host family. I wonder what they're expecting and if I'll meet those expectations or surprise them.

Good bye, New York. I don't know if I'll miss you. Good bye, my friends and family. I will miss you all. However, that is not going to stop me from doing this exchange. Even if I'm not in regular contact with you, know that I am thinking of you. Do not rely on Facebook as your only means of communication! I can't guarantee I'll be on regularly. Use your email people!

Best of wishes and luck to you all,


1 comment:

  1. For those of you wondering, we spoke to Valentina and she had a safe trip over and is settling in.
